Your first day in a new job can, understandably, be a nerve-wracking experience, and for many this is now compounded by being a virtual challenge to overcome.

Becoming familiar with new technology and processes, adapting to a new working environment and culture and getting to know new colleagues is no small task. It is important to remember you impressed enough throughout the interview process to convince your new employer you are the right person for the job, that they recognised in you the skills, attributes and cultural fit to be a success in your new role.  How can you overcome nerves and focus on creating a confident, first impression?

Be prepared

Again your employer should be helping you to be successful from day one, issuing necessary kit as well as an outline of your induction. Whether onboarding remotely or in the office, accept that there may be the inevitable IT glitches which are beyond your control. Ensure you have completed any necessary paperwork, and if possible have set up as much of the kit as possible (if remotely onboarding). Keep in regular contact with your new employer pre starting to ensure that you haven’t missed any communications you need to be aware of ready for your first day.

Focus on your breathing

A good tip to calm your nerves is to focus on your breathing. Whether logging onto your first business call, or walking into the office on your first day, take a few moments and concentrate on your breathing. This will help you relax and calm yourself as you feel more in control of yourself. There has much written about conscious breathing (worth exploring further).

Channel your energy

Remember that people have to deal with nerves in many different situations, this is no different. It is natural to be concerned about making a good impression: being able to pick up unfamiliar processes and systems quickly, remembering people’s names and what they do, and not to make stupid or silly mistakes. A good employer should have set up an informative, constructive induction which will guide you through all of this, and, concentrating on this, with their support your nerves should soon start to abate.

Be approachable

Particularly challenging if you are shy by nature but try to be friendly and open. Your new employer knows how daunting a first day is and should include friendly and approachable individuals to guide you through this. Use this opportunity to start building relationships with your new colleagues and you will already be successfully starting to create a network within the business.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Just like learning to drive a car, once you know how it seems so obvious. Starting a new job there will be much information to absorb, take notes which you can refer back to in future days, and ask questions, even if they seem trivial or obvious.

No one expects you to know everything on day one, be willing to learn, ask questions and share concerns. Keep remembering you were offered the role based on your merits, and your new employer will want to do all they can to ensure this is the first day of a successful career with them

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