The first few months of a new job are probably the most challenging, you want to ensure you successfully integrate yourself into a new company and start to prove yourself in your role.

With so many individuals joining a new employer remotely, it is key that you agree, and regularly review a set of objectives, whether a formal 30-60-90 day plan that is then built on, or an agreed ‘check-list’ you and your manager can measure you against.

What does success look like in this role?

It is key that you agree expectations from the outset. Who are your key stakeholders and what is expected of you, and by when? By understanding this you know what you need to work towards, and what tools/support you may need to achieve these objectives successfully.

What skills will I need to focus on or develop?

Typically you take up a new role to develop in your career. If you already have all the experience and skills necessary will the role challenge you sufficiently, giving you a sense of satisfaction as you develop and master new skills and abilities? Understanding the expectations of you in this role, identifying your areas of weakness and seeking out the necessary training or support to help develop these, you will be in a much better position to succeed in your role.

What are ‘normal’ working practices?

Particularly as so many of us have had to adapt to new working practices and routines, it is vital that you understand the culture, behaviours and evolving processes. You need to understand how colleagues are working and how they’ll expect you to work, to be able to successfully build mutually beneficial relationships with them. How do people communicate with each other across the workday? What is the expectation around social virtual get togethers?

Who are key relationships to seek out and develop?

The majority of roles cannot be undertaken in total isolation, so it is important to identify individuals you will need to build working relationships with. Alongside this you will need to understand how the business operates including the inevitable internal politics. Understanding the challenges these individuals are facing, what their objectives are, and what influence they have, you can look to build mutually beneficial relationships with them.

Can I make any quick wins?

Joining a new employer, particularly when you have established a successful track record elsewhere, you will want to build your credibility quickly, demonstrating how you add value. This will help in building relationships with colleagues, showing your loyalty and commitment to being a valued team player.

Reviewing these questions on a regular basis as you work through your first few months and beyond you will be positioning yourself as strongly as possible in making this a highly successful career move.

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