Effective interviewing techniques, Solved.
These tips on interview skills are all about two words that when added into your interview discussions will allow you to get so much more from the interviewee, encouraging them to open up with the real answers to your questions.
This has never been more vital than in the current recruitment climate where counter-offers or accepted offers subsequently turned down being all too painfully common.
We’re sure that you already ask your interviewee to expand on the answer they give you with such phrases as “Tell me about it” or “That’s interesting, tell me more” or “How did you achieve that result?” etc. However, how many of us, once our question is answered, simply move on to another subject? Why not encourage your candidate to expand by asking “Anything else?”
An example of this simple, yet effective technique in action. In the following sketch (I) for the interviewer, (C) for the interviewee.
(I) So, if you had to tell me the main reason you applied for the job what would it be?
(C) I guess it would have to be the challenge – it sounds a really exciting job!
(I) Tell me why.
(C) Well, my existing job has all but dried up for me in terms of learning anything new.
(I) Anything else?
(C) Yes, the location really suits me.
(I) Why is that?
(C) My partner has just moved jobs and is working quite near your offices so that will cut down on travelling expenses if we share a car.
This style of questioning becomes vital when asking interviewees what they don’t like or what they would wish to better about their current job if they could, because you very seldom get to the real reason or the major issue straight away. By asking “What’s the one thing?” then “Tell me about it” and then “Anything else?” you will eventually get to the heart of the matter. The secret with this technique is not to stop asking “Anything else?” until the interviewee says “No, that’s just about it.”
Not only will you uncover a whole load of valuable information about the job they do and that organisation, but you will gain greater insight into their personality and real motivations for wanting the role to minimise risk of your offer being subsequently turned down.